About Us
The Akoma Family Centre is a non-profit organization that uses a nurturing, Africentric, Trauma-Informed approach when working with children in care between the ages of 3-12yrs.
About Akoma Family Centre
The Akoma Family Centre provides temporary care for children with complex behavioural, developmental, and cognitive needs, between the age of 3 -12 in care of Community Services.
1) To provide a safe and nurturing environment
2) To provide culturally appropriate therapeutic programming.
3) To provide programs that enhance healthy development of children, youth and families.
4) To meet the needs of the child as an individual.
5) To assist in the development of healthy relationships between the child and their family and with co-residents
6) To develop partnerships that enhance services to African Nova Scotians and the general community.
The Akoma Family Centre provides residential services for children and youth with a range of programs that are dedicated to enhancing their wellbeings.
The vision of the Akoma Family Centre is to provide responsive residential care, enhancing the health and well-being of children, youth and families. The Akoma Family Centre is a non-profit organization that uses a nurturing, Afri-Centric, Trauma-Informed approach when working with children in care between the ages of 3-12yrs.